DM Thomas Foundation for Young People (DMTFYP) is able to reach directly into communities and offer help where it is needed, as a funder to smaller charities and organisations that may be otherwise overlooked. We run a number of campaigns which seek to support young people.
The Foundation has a special focus on supporting young people with disabilities, relieving homelessness and providing employment opportunities, enhancing the experiences of life-limited children in hospice care and supporting sick children in hospital. Our projects provide training, equipment, experiences and support so that young people can reach their full potential. We focus on partnering with local organisations which often struggle to attract support.
We are dedicated to helping disabled, sick and disadvantaged young people and children (from 0-25) to transform their lives. Under our ABLE banner, our priority is to make a difference through targeted grant support, helping local and regional community groups and charities across the UK and Europe to deliver projects which provide access to opportunities and improve wellbeing.
Across our grant making processes, we prefer to fund projects which provide and facilitate access to education; provide tools and opportunities through equipment, facilities and training; and relieve suffering, improve treatment, care and wellbeing.