Disability Resource Centre

Disability Resource Centre

At a glance


  • Counselling / advice
  • Financial inclusion
  • Learning disabilities / difficulties
  • Local / community
  • Mental health
  • Physical disabilities
  • Poverty relief
  • Training / employment support

Other details

Geographical remit: 



Our Mission


To empower disabled people and those with long term health conditions to take control of their own lives and to actively seek out opportunities to achieve their full potential as individuals in mainstream society by building a sustainable business.


Our Vision


  • To be a leading authority in the UK on disability issues with a minimum turnover of £2m
  • To provide a range of high quality person-centred products and services which meet the needs of disabled people and their support networks
  • To provide a range of innovative disability solutions to individual, community and societal issues for Central Government, public bodies and the private sector
  • To achieve all that we do by engaging and investing in the best people who share in our vision


Our Core Values:


  • Building a sustainable and resilient business
  • Engaging the best people to deliver results
  • Maintaining Professionalism and Accountability
  • Advancing Equality of Opportunity
  • Promoting Autonomy and Independence Upholding Dignity and Respect


We provide various services free at the point of delivery for disabled people and those with long term health conditions including:

  • Information, advice and advocacy services to enable them to make informed choices and decisions and exercise their rights
  • Personal and life skills development to enable them to build confidence and learn the skills required to do things for themselves and to live independently and safely
  • Health and wellbeing services to promote healthy living and lifestyle choices and to enable them to build resilience and better manage their own health condition or impairment.
  • Social and leisure activities to help improve social skills and combat social isolation
  • Employment, training and volunteering to support them towards economic participation and sustainable employment.


We also operate commercial activities which are chargeable at the point of delivery including:


  • DRC Assist which supports disabled and frail older people to live independently at home and stay connected to their communities
  • Accessibility for All which provides Disability Equality Training and Access Audit work for employers and businesses
  • We are also close to opening up our first of a chain of three coffee shops.

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