Role and Responsibility
The Safeguarding Commission is an independent group of professionals who promote the protection of the young and vulnerable within parishes and Diocesan events or activities involving vulnerable groups.
Each Diocesan Safeguarding Commission has an Independent lay chair with extensive safeguarding experience in working with children and/or adults e.g. social care, police, probation, family law. The Commission is accountable to the Bishop and Trustees of the Diocese for all Diocesan safeguarding matters.
The Commission has regulatory, advisory and supportive functions. It exists to discharge these functions at a strategic level in all matters relating to safeguarding in Dioceses/Religious Congregations.
As a Commission, and through its sub groups, it will:
- Secure a strategy for the promotion of good and safe child-care environments in line with agreed national policies and procedures;
- Agree clear and unambiguous arrangements with all relevant Dioceses/Religious Congregations for liaison, consultation and working together regarding allegations against members of the Church;
- Ensure that the Bishop/Congregation Leader receives full information relevant to safeguarding incidents together with recommendations;
- Receive all information relating to safeguarding matters from their Diocese/Religious Congregation;
- Ensure effective liaison with all relevant Statutory Agencies;
- Contribute to the development and review of national policies, principles and practice;
- Advise the Bishop/Congregation Leader on welfare matters in respect of parishes, and individuals and families within parishes, who have been victims of abuse;
- Ensure arrangements are in place for the pastoral care of individuals and communities affected by child abuse;
- Support and advise on matters relating to long term arrangements for members of the Church who are known abusers of children, including the commissioning of risk assessments;;
- Monitor implementation of all safeguarding strategies and work plans and report regularly to the Trustees
- Ensure the availability of training and appropriate supervision for the Safeguarding Coordinator
In addition the Commission may, if necessary, set up small sub groups of its members if issues of concern require further more detailed work. Other people with specialist knowledge may be asked to participate if necessary.