Our mission is to relieve sickness and injury in and around the county of Devon through provision of an emergency Air Ambulance Service.
Devon’s two Air Ambulances are state-of-the-art Eurocopter EC135s. They are both owned by the Charity, which has many advantages over leasing. In fact, we have realised savings of over £12,000 per month per aircraft since we bought them.
Our wholly owned subsidiary trading company holds the Air Operator's Certificate making the service truly independent, with full control over all operational and developmental improvements.
The Devon Air Ambulance is looking for people to join our volunteering family. Our volunteers are an invaluable part of our team and ensure we remain truly rooted in the community we serve.
If you have a couple of hours to spare, we would love to hear from you. We appreciate you may have other commitments so we welcome flexible volunteers who do not need to commit to a minimum amount of time.
We have a variety of roles to suit everyone such as, box collecting, giving talks, attending cheque presentation, assisting in our charity shops and attending our events.
Please contact our Volunteer Manager Ginette Gisborne by calling 01392 466 666 or emailing g.gisborne@daat.org for more information.