Dementia Concern

Dementia Concern

At a glance


  • Mental health
  • Older people / later life

Other details

Organisation type: 
Geographical remit: 


To support people with dementia and their carers to live as independently as possible by in particular providing dementia care services and practical help to enable people with dementia to retain life skills and abilities so that they can live at home in the community as independently as possible.


Ealing is London’s second largest borough by population and one of its most diverse. Over 2,500 of its population over 65 suffer from dementia which is projected to increase to over 3,500 by 2025

Since 1992 Dementia Concern has been the main charity addressing the health-specific of people living with Dementia (PLWD) and their carers in Ealing. It is committed to assist in diagnosing dementia in individuals , assess their needs and provide the services they require. We work in partnership with, and are successfully delivering practical services for, a number of public organisations including the London Borough of Ealing, The Ealing Care Commissioning Group and the West London Mental Health Trust.

Our current activities include

  • Dementia Link Worker Service, diagnosing and identifying PLWD’s needs
  • Information and Advice Service, information sessions for carers and newsletters.
  • Community Support Service for PLWDs living alone
  • Two weekend day centres and one weekday centre for working age PLWD
  • Call n’Care Service providing regular short-term breaks for Carers by our own qualified staff
  • Regular Social events for PLWD and Carers.

There are about 20 full-time and 20 part-time employees plus a number of volunteers for administrative work.

Our main funders are the public authorities but with the increasing financial pressures upon them we are actively working to diversify our sources of income.  There have recently been important changes in senior management including appointment of a new CEO and retirement of a long-serving financial director.

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