The De Curci Trust

The De Curci Trust

At a glance


  • Education

Other details

Organisation type: 
Educational body
Geographical remit: 


Created in April 2017, the De Curci Trust comprises three local schools: Solent Infant School , Solent Junior School and Springfield School (secondary). All three schools are currently rated ‘Good’ by Ofsted.

Solent Infant school was rated ‘Good’ by Ofsted in February 2020 with inspectors writing, ‘This is a very welcoming and nurturing school. Teachers have worked with staff from other trust schools to design a creative and exciting curriculum in all subjects. Children are engaged in the interesting learning activities that teachers plan for them’.


As a successful trust, The De Curci Trust is committed to leading school improvement within its own organisation and across the wider school system. The trust shares a vision of promoting high aspirations and achieving excellent outcomes for all children; its schools are inclusive and exist to serve the children who live in their locality.  The trust recognises that schools are different and have unique identities; its approach is to allow schools to co-construct their own routes to excellence within the context of the trust’s vision, schemes of delegation/governance and philosophy of ‘stronger together’.

The trust currently serves the communities of Cosham, Drayton and Farlington, a few miles north of Portsmouth City centre. The majority of pupils are of White British origin, with the number of pupils with EAL being below national averages. The schools are inclusive and cater for pupils of all aptitudes and abilities. While the number of pupils in receipt of the pupil premium is lower than the national average, this has shown a marked increase over recent years as the local demographic has changed. Similarly, the secondary school now has more children with SEND than the national average.  Portsmouth was identified as an Education Investment Area in the Government’s Leveling Up White Paper (February 2022) and the trust is working actively with local partners, including the Portsmouth Education Partnership, to realise this opportunity for the community.

Current opportunities

Hampshire, PO6 1QY

The Trust seeks a Trustee (Non-Executive Director) to join the Board who ideally has a professional background in Education (school, college or...