We strive for a fairer Scotland where people are empowered and their rights respected. We offer free, impartial, confidential, quality-assured assistance by phone, email, face-to-face and local outreach to enable people in Midlothian make informed financial and life choices. We also seek to influence public policy to prevent problems local people face from arising.T
The majority of our service users live in areas designated in the top 20% of the Scottish Indices of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD). In 2022-23, the CAB supported 27% more people than in the previous year, most bringing 3-4 different issues to resolve.
Dalkeith CAB enables people to gain knowledge, skills and confidence for managing financial matters and other life decisions more effectively, which also helps reduce anxiety and encourages an improved sense of wellbeing. Through our work with people in Midlothian, we help them gain financially through claiming benefits, managing debt and receiving refunds, compensation, grants, settlements and other funds to which they are entitled. This can be crucial for helping them "get on their feet." As most gains will be spent locally, it also helps support the local economy.
Dalkeith Citizens Advice Bureau is a registered charity that offers free, confidential, impartial, holistic, quality-assured advice and information to people who live or work in Midlothian on issues including benefits, employment, debt, home energy efficiency, housing, discrimination and access to emergency food and home fuel. We help people gain knowledge, skills and confidence to make informed decisions and reduce their risk of financial hardship. Dalkeith CAB uses evidence from research, its own practice and involvement of service-users to influence local and national policy in ways that prevent problems clients face.
Dalkeith CAB is a member of the 60 strong Citizens Advice Scotland network and is the only advice organisation in Midlothian to achieve Scottish National Standards for Information and Advice Providers (SNSIAP) accreditation.