The Daisy Programme

The Daisy Programme

At a glance


  • Community safety / victim support / domestic violence

Other details

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Daisy Programme is a registered charity supporting people living with or who have been affected by Domestic Abuse or Sexual Abuse in Breckland. Our service forms part of NIDAS, providing joined-up domestic abuse support across Norfolk.  

To help us thrive and grow we are looking for new trustees to join our team. Could you spare up to one day per month to help us? Our Board usually meets at our hub in Watton. We are particularly interested in you if you have a background in a relevant field, or in accountancy or fundraising. Or perhaps you have lived experience and just want to help make a difference to other people’s lives.


We work with clients who have suffered abuse, offering a range of services to aid their recovery, these include Counselling, pscho educational course and groups

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