Cumbria Community Foundation

Cumbria Community Foundation

At a glance


  • Children / families
  • Health and well being / research and care
  • Learning disabilities / difficulties
  • Local / community
  • Mental health
  • Older people / later life
  • Physical disabilities
  • Training / employment support
  • Voluntary sector support
  • Young people

Other details

Organisation type: 
Geographical remit: 


We are an independent local charity run by a board of trustees who are elected annually by our members.

With the support of our fundholders we have made grants totalling more than £50m since inception in 1999.

We provide a means by which people and organisations can make a difference to the most disadvantaged people in our community.

Cumbria Community Foundation is part of a national and international network of community foundations.  Together we seek to support people and organisations wishing to invest in the local community.


Living in Cumbria has some serious upsides. It can also be tough. Really tough. The beautiful landscape hides intense poverty and lack of opportunity. Two things that fuel each other.

Cumbria has a strong history of community – people working together to face challenges. Cumbria Community Foundation exists to continue and build that.

We bring people who love Cumbria together to make our county stronger. So local people can meet the challenges they face and can achieve their potential.

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