CSIS Charity Fund

CSIS Charity Fund

At a glance


  • Poverty relief

Other details

Organisation type: 
Geographical remit: 
National - Britain


CSIS Charity Fund is an independent registered charity linked to the Civil Service Insurance Society, a not-for-profit organisation which markets good quality, affordable insurance products to civil and public servants.  The annual trading surplus of the insurance business, which typically runs at about £250,000 a year is paid into the charity under a Deed of Covenant.  The Trustees distribute this to a wide range of good causes that benefit serving, former, and retired civil and public servants and their families - who include fire fighters, ambulance workers, nurses, teachers, the armed forces and prison officers - who have fallen on hard times through no fault of their own.  You can find more about us and the difference our grant-giving can make to the lives of individuals from our Report and Accounts available from our website.


We work mainly by making grants to a wide range of charities and not for profit organisations who can help us achieve our aims, either by giving individual welfare support to needy serving, former and retired civil and public servants and their families. 


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