Crystal Palace Community Development Trust

Crystal Palace Community Development Trust

At a glance


  • Education
  • Local / community
  • Training / employment support
  • Young people

Other details

Geographical remit: 


  • To help relief of poverty of people living in the five London Boroughs of Bromley, Croydon, Lambeth, Lewisham & Southwark by tackling unemployment, education and retraining .
  • To provide financial and technical assistance, business advice or consultancy in order to provide training and employment opportunities for employment for unemployed people in cases of financial or other charitable need through help: (i) setting up their own business or (ii) to existing businesses
  • The creation of training and employment opportunities by the provision of workspace, buildings and/or land for use on favourable terms.
  • Preservation of buildings or sites of historic or architectural importance.
  • The provision of recreational facilities for the public at large or for those by reason of their youth, age, infirmity or disablement, poverty or social or economic circumstances, have need of such facilities.
  • The protection or conservation of the environment.
  • The promotion of public health facilities and child care.
  • The promotion of public safety and the prevention of crime.


Kingswood Community Shop


The Kingswood Community Shop (KCS) is a community based resource for the residents living on the estate and the surrounding area, especially those that are considered to be vulnerable and would ordinarily find it difficult to access mainstream services. The core aims of the shop are to improve the general wellbeing and health of residents, promote community cohesion, provide advice services to enhance residents quality of life; and to provide employment and training opportunities.


The services offered at the shop include: NHS Health Checks, Podiatry service, work related courses (IT, Customer Care, Business Start up), health and wellbeing events, employment support, knitting & sewing group, CAB (Citizen Advice) advice sessions, Local councillor surgeries,  Foodbank service, volunteering opportunities, free internet access and a general drop in for tea & coffee. Over the last year KCS has supported approximately 658 individuals with 4602 visits, working out at 80 - 90 people per week.



Work with Young People


The Anerley Youth Club have had 185 individual attendees coming through our doors. Out of that we’ve had 1,620 visits. This over subscription of our Youth Club has been down to the valuable relationship the young people have with the staff coupled with feeling safe and having fun when they attend each session.

Our Art and Craft sessions are more structured and planned in a way which reflects the expected outcomes for our funders. The numbers of individual attendees stands at 53 and the number of visits 594. Evaluations with young people highlighted that 98% of them enjoyed the session and 75% believe that the curriculum is appropriate to their needs


Anerley Business Centre and Town Halls 


The hall space has seen events such as weddings, funerals, christenings, parties, Pineapple Luncheon club, Zumba classes, Youth and Art Classes for young people, blood donations, election polls, community talks, Citizen advice sessions. It is estimated that there were over 40,000 visits to services provided from the community space in the last year,


The Trust is continuing to work with Bromley Council to look at the possibilities of a long lease of Anerley Town Hall. CPCDT and Bromley Council are currently exploring options for the future of the Town Hall, Business Centre, Library & Flat and the role of CPCDT in its future.


Trust Development


The main role of this position has been to raise funds and develop partnerships for the Trust.

We have had financial support from many funders including Children In Need, Sport Relief, Affinity Sutton, Heritage Lottery Fund, Santander Social Enterprise Award, National Lottery, Southwark Council and Bromley Community Fund. In these austere times, we are very grateful that funders are able to acknowledge and recognise the relevance of the good work being carried out in our community.


Our aim is to continue building our relationships and develop more effective ways of working within the community.  Our youth group, arts group and senior citizen Eagles club offer much needed socially inclusive activities for the most vulnerable and disadvantaged. We aspire to continually seek opportunities that will improve services and facilities for the local neighbourhood. Our partners have included Citizens Advice Bureau, Bromley Adult Education, Subway, Prospects Career Service, Bromley Community Links, Community Payback, Freeway Union, Bromley Health Prevention and many others. We have offered to house a CAB drop-in advice service at Anerley Town Hall, providing a much needed support to those affected by welfare reforms and other issues. In the year over 300 clients have accessed this service.



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