Cruse Bereavement Care exists to promote the well being of bereaved people and to enable anyone bereaved by death to understand their grief and cope with their loss.Services are free to bereaved people.The charity provides support and offers information,advice,education and training services
Telephone answering service for information &counselling services
Counselling for people with bereavement issues
Training courses for volunteers and people wanting to become counsellors
Supervision of counsellors
Supporting and networking with other bereavement agencies
Advice and regular liaison with local health authorities
Cruse is the leading charity in the U.K. specialising in bereavement. Founded in 1959, we currently have 134 branches and more than 5,500 volunteers throughout the U.K. Over 80,000 people contact Cruse each year for help and information. You do not have to pay to talk to someone from Cruse but Cruse is only able to offer its services freely due to the generosity of individuals and grant-making bodies.