Crossroads Care Richmond and Kingston upon Thames

Crossroads Care Richmond and Kingston upon Thames

At a glance


  • Children / families
  • Health and well being / research and care
  • Local / community
  • Older people / later life
  • Voluntary sector support

Other details

Geographical remit: 


We strive to relieve the stresses of relatives and friends caring for someone who has a disability or chronic illness.

We help by giving time to recharge, whether within the home or helping carers to spend time away from the role of caring. Our carer support workers are highly trained to take on all caring tasks both in the home and within the community, working flexibly; giving whatever help is needed, fitting in and around the family.



There are over 29,000 carers in Richmond and Kingston upon Thames. We support these carers and their families, helping them make a life of their own outside caring. We provide the specialist, quality care that gives carers the peace of mind to let someone else step into their shoes.

We provide respite support: our skilled and dedicated staff take on the role of caring whilst the carer takes a break. Our carers support in the home and out in the community and importantly, we support in whatever way the family need.

We also run a number of much needed community-based projects, for example:

Saturday Club
The Saturday Club, for children with special needs and young carers – giving parent carers time off and young people time just for themselves;

Dementia Caring Café
The Dementia Caring Café for people living with dementia and their carer – giving a place to meet others in similar circumstances (in partnership with the Alzheimer’s Society);

Carers Drop in
Our Carers Drop In, a monthly drop in sessions for carers, offering support and advice.

Many of the people we care for, cannot afford the help they desperately need, so much of the work we do is funded through grants, gifts and donations.

We are looking for volunteers and supporters, to help us deliver this high quality care and to help our charity continue doing the work we do. We run a friendly and professional service; by volunteering with us, you will gain experience, insight and the knowledge that you are making a real difference.


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