A carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support.
Crossroads Care East Anglia works with carers aged from 6 to 106, offering advice, information, advocacy, practical and regulated care support. Our work across Norfolk, Suffolk and North West Essex is designed to relieve some of the stresses and strains of the caring responsibilities and to give a voice to carers to ensure their needs are met in ways which enable them to continue caring.
We are a Network Partner of Carers Trust. Please see our website at www.crossroadseastanglia.org.uk for more information.
We provide approximately 120,000 hours of respite care in the home (and aim to increase this to 180,000 hours), lead a major partnership contract for carers support services in Norfolk, host the Norfolk Young Carers Forum, offer complex support services to Young Adult Carers in transition and provide a range of support services to children with disabilities in our clubs in Suffolk. We also have clubs for adults with care needs in Norfolk and Uttlesford, and we provide a highly successful and challenging Admission Prevention Service in West Suffolk as part of the ulti agency Enhanced Early Intervention Team. We are part of a partnership in Essex which has recently won a major grant to provide support services to adult carers across the county.