The target audience of the arts education centre are residents of Bournemouth, struggling families with complex social needs, children with learning difficulties, young carers, vulnerable and marginalised groups, ‘latchkey kids’ and children excluded from school or being home educated. The Charity works in partnership with statutory and community organisations for referrals of ‘at risk’ children. More widely we work with children from all backgrounds and races with mixed abilities.
The Charity runs a registered Arts Education Centre in Bournemouth and is regulated by Ofsted. The Centre offers a national qualification in the arts and the arts provision has successfully taken 217 children through an Arts Award since 2012. The charity uses iPads to inspire, educate and motivate children and young people and help SEN children overcome barriers to learning. We also run an arts outreach project and free pop-up arts to schools, community events and national festivals.
Outcomes for Children
Outcomes Indirect
The Charity runs an Arts Education Centre in Boscombe, which offers an Ofsted registered ‘Holiday Arts Club’for children age 6 – 14. It is open daily from 8 am – 6 pm during the school holidays (equates to approximately 12 weeks per annum) with the exception of weekends and Bank Holidays. The fee to attend is £20 per day.The capacity of club is 20 per day. Staff ratios are set at 8:1. Children take part in combined arts workshops and are enrolled on the Arts Award Program. A portfolioof previous holiday club activities shows how the days are broken down into two, two hour combined arts workshops, with an allocated time for ‘arts award’ delivery and ‘free time’.
In October 2017 the charity launched a free digital after school club. It is open daily during term time (equates to approximately 40 weeks per year) from 3 – 6 pm. The after school club is free and part-funded by the Neighbourhood Fund until September 2019. The ‘drop in’ sessions offer children access to the internet, digital skills in apple devices, safe use of iPads and access to one-to-one support from an Arts Award Advisor.