Creative Future, based in Brighton, supports artists and writers who face social exclusion to reintegrate into society through their creative talents.
We are unique in the depth of services we offer – from initial engagement to professional outlet - and the breath of those we work with including those who feel they lack opportunities because of: mental health issues, physical or learning disabilities, homeless people, substance mis-users, offenders & ex-offenders, refugees, long term unemployed, the elderly, travellers, carers, care leavers and people from LGB&T and BME communities.
Since establishing in 2007 we have worked with over 4000+ artists & writers, held over 55 exhibitions and events and have had audiences of over 30,000+ per year.
Catherine suffered a breakdown and when isolated and at an all-time low she joined a Creative Future art group. Through attending she gained skills and confidence and her work was selected for a public exhibition in her local town. With the help of the tutor she applied and was accepted onto a BA (Hons) textile design course. In her own words: “I would not have done this if not for the Creative Future workshops. THANKS!!”