CPRE exists to promote the beauty, tranquillity and diversity of rural England by encouraging the sustainable used of land and other natural resources in town and country. We promote positive solutions for the long-term future of the countryside and ensure change values its natural and built environment. We aim to be a regular and respected point of reference for all authorities concerned with public policy in this field.
CPRE Cheshire is one of 43 branches campaigning locally to protect and enhance the Country's variety of attractive landscapes and the rural way of life. We do this by, amongst other things, promoting urban regeneration. So as to be an effective lobbying group one of the aims is to increase membership and to raise public awareness of environmental issues. The strength of CPRE locally is through the work of keen and active volunteers who take part in all aspects of campaigning for the protection of the environment, e.g. through promoting the re-development of brownfield sites in preference to the use of greenfield sites and through lobbying for sustainable forms of transport and (as a rule) against road building. The Branch is involved in resisting inappropriate planning applications which seek to damage the sustainability of the land and other natural resources and/or which remove important open spaces and/or encourage urban sprawl within Cheshire. CPRE Cheshire Branch is a loud voice in the protection of our environment.