CPRE Bedfordshire

CPRE Bedfordshire

At a glance


  • Campaigning
  • Environment
  • Gardens and parks
  • Local / community

Other details

Geographical remit: 


CPRE Bedfordshire campaigns for a beautiful and living countryside. We work to protect, promote and enhance our towns and countryside in Bedfordshire to make them better places to live, work and enjoy, and to ensure the countryside is protected for now and future generations. We are a small Bedfordshire based charity and a local branch of CPRE Campaign to Protect Rural England.



CPRE Bedfordshire works for a sustainable future for Bedfordshire's countryside by: 

  • Campaigning and engaging with the local planning process to influence planning decisions that impact our countryside in the areas of Bedford Borough, Central Bedfordshire and Luton Borough. 
  • Running our Living Countryside Awards to recognise the people, projects and enterprises that are enhancing our rural and urban environments - our 2016 Awards will take the scheme into its seventh year.
  • Running events and other activities to promote to our members and the public the importance of our countryside and our work, and to support communities in their efforts to protect their local environment.

We have an office in Bedford with one part-time staff member and our work relies on the support and efforts of our team of volunteers across Bedfordshire. 


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