Contact A Family

Contact A Family

At a glance


  • Physical disabilities
  • Children / families
  • Learning disabilities / difficulties
  • Social care

Other details

Geographical remit: 


We are a charity that support 1,300 families of children with disabilities and special needs in Southwark. We enable parent carers to fulfill their caring role, and at the same time have time for themselves; to learn new skills; and to alleviate financial difficulties. We aim to increase parents carers' confidence, be less stressed and less isolated, and be able to take part in the community and have a life outside of their caring role.


We publish quarterly newsletter, monthly email update, hold training and workshops for parent carers, hold social events such as trips to different places, sports and leisure activities, coffee mornings/afternoons, drop in sessions in strategic locations in the borough. We also support parents to claim their children's entitlements such as Disability Living Allowance (DLA), Personal Independence Payment (PIP), carers' grants, among others.

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