Community Care and Wellbeing Service

Community Care and Wellbeing Service

At a glance


  • Black, asian and minority ethnic groups
  • Mental health

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Geographical remit: 


Community Care and Wellbeing Service (CCAWS) is a mental health charity based in Cardiff and consists of a team of volunteers who provide specialist support to the local community within South Wales. CCAWS is a new charity (registered 2018) building on the work of its predecessor, Ihasaan Social Support Association Wales (ISSA), which was set up by volunteers from the community to support people from the Black Asian Ethnic Minority (BAME) and Muslim communities by providing holistic support. A core group of individuals from ISSA consulted with volunteers, beneficiaries and stakeholders and the decision was made to start a charity which would focus on three main strands; Advocacy, Befriending and Counselling and consequently CCAWS was formed.  

CCAWS has been able to impact the community in the following ways;

  • We have reduced isolation, provided emotional, psychological and spiritual support to those who are vulnerable and stigmatised in society
  • The individuals become confident and feel empowered to deal with daily life pressures and stresses through counselling services 
  • The individuals who come to us also feel safer in the communities they live in through improved communication and understanding
  • We have reduced isolation through improved social networks
  • We have recognised signs, symptoms and triggers within themselves, which we then have been able to prevent relapse through counselling and stress busting workshops. 
  • We have massively increased the active participation and citizenships of clients who have come to us.


CCAWS is a mental health charity serving the social and mental wellbeing needs of Cardiff's communities through advocacy, befriending and counselling services.

We offer free counselling sessions which help clients:

  • clarify and manage your feelings;
  • challenge negative thinking;
  • find root causes of an issue;
  • identify soultions;
  • build resilience and independence; and
  • overcome depression, anxiety, grief, low self-esteem, trauma and more.

Our befriending service is a free support service that offers companionship to lonely or isolated people in need. This vital service helps people to build their confidence, combat loneliness, practice their social skills and get out and about.

Our free advocacy service can help you to access information and make informed decisions about your life. Advocacy can support you in accessing information to help you make informed decisions. We find information on your behalf and help you to explore your options. It is then up to you to decide how you would like to proceed.

We facilitate two support groups where you can meet new people, enjoy free refreshments and go on trips.

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