CleanupUK was founded in 2007. We are a young and ambitious charity with a strong sense that whatever we do, be it organising a litter-pick or holding a trustees’ meeting, should be fun. CleanupUK's major thrust is to help people who live in less affluent areas to get together, go out and pick up the litter in those parts of their community that the local council doesn't cover and so make their community not only cleaner but also stronger and safer. We also encourage and support volunteer litter-picking groups generally, wherever in the UK they are.
CleanupUK’s principal on-the-ground approach involves working with local authorities and other partners to stimulate and encourage local volunteer litter-picking groups in the deprived areas of the country. The key objective is to encourage residents to take responsibility for keeping their neighbourhood clean and for educating their fellow residents, both young and old, to ensure that it stays that way. The activity involved in achieving this leads to much more than simply a clean community, such as improved community spirit, safer neighbourhoods and healthier residents in areas where people are most in need of such benefits.