Citizens Advice Reigate & Banstead

Citizens Advice Reigate & Banstead

At a glance


  • Local / community

Other details

Organisation type: 
Geographical remit: 


The charity’s objects are to promote any charitable purpose for the benefit of the community in Reigate and Banstead, by the advancement of education, the protection and preservation of health and the relief of poverty, sickness and distress. 

Aims, Objectives, Strategies and Activities for the Year

CARB aims to provide free, confidential, impartial and independent advice and information for the benefit of the local community.

CARB aims to positively influence the development of research and campaigns activity to ensure individuals do not suffer through a lack of knowledge or an inability to express their needs effectively.


Charitable Activities

CARB grew capacity through targeted funding to employ staff and helped more clients than in previous years. CARB achievements include:


  • We helped 5,562 clients (2021: 5,468) with 18,358 issues (2021: 16,714). The increase in client numbers is largely due to the increased need for assistance with state benefits, debt and housing. A summary of client issues is shown below on page 9.
  • We steadfastly supported our clients throughout lockdowns & back to office rotas without any pause in service despite uncertainties of challenging Covid-19 conditions. We assisted vulnerable clients through proactive contact and by outreach activities.


  • We continued to work with local community organisations. We received referrals from and made client referrals to these organisations as appropriate. We aided clients to apply for assistance through the SCC Surrey Crisis Fund; we made referrals to local food banks, and for grants from other charitable providers to assist some of our most vulnerable clients. We worked with RBBC to distribute fuel poverty payments to those in need.

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