Choices Islington

Choices Islington

At a glance


  • Children / families
  • Community safety / victim support / domestic violence
  • Counselling / advice
  • Criminal justice
  • Education
  • Faith and ethics
  • Health and well being / research and care
  • Housing and homelessness
  • Local / community
  • Mental health
  • Poverty relief
  • Refugees / migrants
  • Social care
  • Substance misuse
  • Voluntary sector support
  • Women

Other details

Geographical remit: 


Choices supports women from the point of an unplanned pregnancy and beyond. We run a service for women (and their partners) who are facing unplanned pregnancy to work out their decision in a safe space that is free from judgment and free of charge. We also provide practical support for parents with some of the challenges they face, such as isolation, single-parenting and financial difficulties. And finally, we offer specialised counselling for those struggling to come to terms with pregnancy loss, particularly following an abortion.

Originally established by an Islington-based GP who wanted to respond to high teen and unplanned pregnancy rates in Islington, Choices’ vision and mission was to meet people with grace and compassion, out of respect for people who find themselves in this position.

Choices’ vision and mission are still the same: to meet everyone facing an unplanned pregnancy, dealing with a pregnancy loss or parenting under difficult circumstances, with compassion, care and respect. Our services are confidential and free from judgment – giving voice to the woman who finds herself in difficult circumstances.

With 20 years’ experience of working in the community, we are a team of trained and trainee therapists and counsellors who take the mental health of our clients seriously. We recognise that women often feel they have to keep their thoughts, feelings and decisions around some of these issues a secret, so we provide a safe space for them to process their experience, to be respected and given a chance to work out with clarity their own decisions and to deal with difficult emotions resulting from past decisions.

Our support is holistic: we provide practical and emotional support for mums and mums-to-be through a free loan service of baby clothes and equipment, one-to-one befriending and by combatting isolation through community groups and courses that strengthen women’s ability to provide an emotionally secure attachment for their children and to increase their own relational literacy and make healthy relationship decisions.

Our Prison counselling project engages women in prison at HMP Bronzefield and Downview providing counselling support and advocacy for pregnancy/child loss and child separation. Grief over their lost babies and children is one of the most abiding themes for female offenders. Using their sentence to address these long term issues helps build self esteem, equips them to retake control of their lives and can help reduce the risk of re-offending.


Choices meets its objectives outlined above by fundraising, marketing and recruiting staff and volunteers in order to provide its services as described. We run a number of projects that support women from unplanned pregnancy counselling to post-abortion counselling to practical parenting support.

We value working in partnership – particularly with local partners – as we see the importance of sharing skills and resources in order to reach more people who need help.

We welcome clients from all faiths and none, and will only raise issues of faith if invited to by our clients. Our Christian faith motivates us in the work that we do and forms the basis of our conviction that all people deserve compassion, care and respect – which is what we offer to our clients


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