Child Accident Prevention Trust

Child Accident Prevention Trust

At a glance


  • Children / families

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Geographical remit: 
National - Britain


Accidents are a leading cause of preventable death, serious injury and acquired disability for children in the UK, with children from the poorest homes at greatest risk. CAPT's work stops children being killed, disabled or seriously injured in accidents - without wrapping them in cotton wool.

We make a difference by:

  • Spreading knowledge and changing behaviour, helping families understand and manage the real risks to children’s safety, without scaremongering or finger wagging.
  • Supporting staff in local communities.
  • Providing a centre of specialist knowledge.

Our work helps children lead active, healthy lives, safe from accidental injury. For example, after participating in a Child Safety Week event, nine in ten parents said they had learnt something new and would be doing something differently.


CAPT's work stops children being killed, disabled or seriously injured in accidents - without wrapping them in cotton wool.

We do this by;

  • Providing child safety advice to families, by spreading key saftey messages through our safety campaigns, online activities and quizzes and the distribution of family-friendly resources such as picture booklets, leaflets, posters and DVD's.
  • Supporting professionals working with children and families by providing factsheets, best practise guides, child safety resrouces and monthly newsletters. In addition we provide training, consultancy and mentoring services
  • Supporting senior professionals and policymakers who are working to prevent unintentional injury to children and young people in England, through partnership and networking events, specialist master classes on child injury prevention, Mentoring and sharing of best practice
  • Advising the government and organisations on child safety through providing specialist support and guidance to local and central government. 

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