The charity aims to provide well maintained, safe, secure homes at an affordable cost for local people in housing need. Our beneficiaries range in ages from 55 to 100 years, some beneficiaries are retired whilst others are still in full or part time employment.
At present many people cannot afford the rents charged by private landlords and are being driven out of their properties by large rent increases year on year, the charity aims to help alleviate homelessness, loneliness and bring a sense of community to those living in the homes, whilst keeping homes affordable. The charity has dedicated staff that are always available to help with any problems the beneficiaries may be facing in addition to any specific housing needs.
Cheltenham Almshouses and Aid is run by a board of voluntary trustees, and administered in accordance with schemes prepared by the Charity Commission. The day-to-day supervision is undertaken by the Clerk, the Administrator. The charity is not registered as social housing.
Cheltenham Almshouses and Aid owns and manages four sets of almshouses in Cheltenham, made up of a number of cottages dating back to 1914, flats (within a conservation area) and a converted large Edwardian house.
The charity has a clerk who works 20 hours a week, ensuring all the properties are well maintained and the beneficiaries are happy with their homes, the clerk can provide support to residents when claiming for housing benefit. Beneficiaries may also allow the clerk to call and speak with their doctors should they need arise.
Trustees meet on a monthly basis to ensure the smooth and efficient running of the properties and the charity operates within it's agreed policies, paying particular attention to the areas of health and safety, finance, risk and resident welfare.
Bi monthly visits by trustees to visit beneficiaries in their homes is also a key part of ensuring the charities aims and objectives are maintained.