Chain of Hope

Chain of Hope

At a glance


  • Children / families
  • Health and well being / research and care
  • International development
  • Young people

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Geographical remit: 


Chain of Hope is an international children’s charity that links people and organisations together to help children with heart disease in developing and war-torn countries to get the care that they desperately need.

Linking volunteer medical teams, host families and supporters, we work together to treat children in urgent need and to develop local cardiac services through training, provision of equipment and specialised support.

We help children with heart disease both by transporting them to partnering hospitals for urgent treatment and by building up cardiac services in developing countries so that future generations will have access to the treatment they need locally.


The long term aim of Chain of Hope is to establish locally sustainable cardiac services in countries where the facilities do not exist. Chain of Hope works towards this goal in a number of ways, including sponsoring the training of key clinicians and running nursing training programmes, as well as developing infrastructure and helping to provide vital medical equipment. Chain of Hope assists the development of cardiac services around the world, predominantly in Jamaica, Uganda, Mozambique, Ethiopia and Egypt helping to treat children suffering from life-threatening heart diseases. Chain of Hope also runs an international Child Referral Programme, bringing children to leading cardiac centres worldwide for emergency, life-saving cardiac treatment.

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