Cerulean Blue

Cerulean Blue

At a glance


  • Health and well being / research and care

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Organisation type: 
Small or unincorporated organisation
Geographical remit: 


Covid-19 has had a profound impact on everyone in the UK, but none more so than our nurses and healthcare workers. Our annual income is £900 and we work to ensure nurses and other healthcare workers during Covid-19 are not forgotten and feel supported.



Since the start of the pandemic, nurses and healthcare workers have been on the frontline, risking their own lives to save others. They have been working tirelessly, often in difficult and dangerous conditions. 

This is why we are planning and marketing a Bake2Donate annual campaign (March 23-29). UK citizens can remember the sacrifices nurses and healthcare workers made by baking and selling their cakes. The money raised will be donated to our partner organisation, Cavell.

The outcome of this campaign will be to put in place a strategy that enables UK citizens who benefited from NHS support during the pandemic to reflect on the support they received and show their gratitude by raising funds to promote public support for nurses and healthcare workers.

The project aims to create an annual Bake2Donate event that impacts the wider community as they recall the lives lost and sacrifices made during the pandemic.

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