The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare

The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare

At a glance


  • Health and well being / research and care

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The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare is renowned for its work on sustainable healthcare research and practice. We provide strategic input and consultancy to national and local programmes.

The Charity's objects are:

  1. The promotion of health for the benefit of the public in any part of the world
  2. The advancement of education for the benefit of the public in any part of the world by supporting the application and implementation of research findings ti improve health and healthcare
  3. The conservation, protection and enhancement of the physical and natural environment by the prudent use of natural resources for the public benefit


Our Sustainable Specialties Programme is designed to mainstream sustainability within clinical areas so that it is integral to the planning of health systems and the practice of healthcare professionals. This is supported by our work in medical education and in carbon modelling of clinical care.

Our greenspace projects, especially our NHS Forest, assist organisations to improve their natural environment and reconnect their staff, patients and the wider community with their local greenspace to benefit their health.

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