Caring Hands Charity was established in 1994 and is situated in the centre of the local community.
The overarching aim is to support the independence and quality of life of older and physically impaired people living mainly in the East End of Newcastle upon Tyne. To achieve that aim we offer a range of services designed to reduce the risk of poverty, isolation, and loneliness. Our services have been developed over many years, always involving our beneficiaries, using their feedback and comments to improve and develop services which re gong to increase independence and quality of life, addressing safety in the home and increasing the capacity for people to continue to live in their own homes and remain part of their community.
The charity has always been volunteer led and remains focused on recruiting and training volunteers where possible. Volunteers working alongside a small number of qualified professionals, are at the heart of the charity and they provide the services we offer.
Daily 'running' is managed by one full time manager, we are actively seeking new trustees to join us, although there are six Trustees at this time.
Our main activities fall into three categories, 'Better Daily Living', 'Wellbeing' and 'Advice and Advocacy'. Each category deals with its' matching need, but holistically, services can blend together to provide support for multiple challenges. 'Better Daily Living' services help with everyday tasks, including support after an illness or stay in hospital. We offer Small Aids to increase/manage independence and minimise the need for additional care. Laundry Collection and Delivery, helping with hygiene needs, reduce isolation and the need for intervention. Handyman Service, maintaining quality of life, remaining part of the community, in a safe and comfortable environment. 'Wellbeing Services' reduce loneliness and/or isolation, help to regain confidence and re/connect to the community. We offer Befriending, keeping in touch with community, reduce isolation and loneliness, regain confidence. Lunch Club, to join in the community, feel less isolated and lonely. Counselling, to regain confidence, maximise wellbeing, reducing care needs. 'Advice and Advocacy' services offer financial advice and general information on choices available to support individuals needs, potentially allowing choice of service, paid and free. We offer Welfare Benefits Advice, comprehensive service from application to completion of benefits issues. General First Stop Advice, to signpost and support beneficiaries including relatives, carers and friends.