Carers Worldwide

Carers Worldwide

At a glance


  • Health and well being / research and care

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Carers Worldwide is the only organisation working exclusively and strategically with unpaid family carers in developing countries.

Established in 2012, we implement a range of grassroots projects across India, Nepal and Bangladesh and engage in advocacy at national, regional and global level. We draw attention to the poverty, vulnerability, marginalisation and exclusion faced by carers through lobbying local organisations, NGOs, governments and international agencies for positive change. We then work to develop carer-inclusive initiatives that meet the emotional, physical, social and economic needs of carers.


Carers Worldwide draws attention to the needs of unpaid family carers amongst local organisations, NGOS, international NGOs and Governments. We work to enable these organisations to include carers into their existing programmes and to initiate carer-specific activities that will meet the needs of carers at all levels – emotional, physical and economic.

Our strategic goal is to serve as a catalyst to:

  1. Bring about systemic change in the work of governments, charities and other agencies so that they recognise and respond to the needs of carers in the developing world.
  2. Facilitate the provision of support for individual carers and their families in the developing world, bringing them better health, wellbeing and economic security.

We achieve this by:

  1. Rolling out our highly effective partnership approach to raise awareness, change attitudes and transform practice.
  2. Disseminating the Carers Worldwide model of the support necessary for creating systemic changes for carers.

Where we work:

Carers Worldwide implements programmes in partnerships with well-established organisations in South Asia. We are currently active in India, Nepal and Bangladesh.

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