Care Network Cambridgeshire

Care Network Cambridgeshire

At a glance


  • Community safety / victim support / domestic violence
  • Health and well being / research and care
  • Local / community
  • Men
  • Mental health
  • Older people / later life
  • Physical disabilities
  • Poverty relief
  • Social care
  • Voluntary sector support
  • Women

Other details

Geographical remit: 


Care Network Cambridgeshire’s mission is to help individuals to stay healthy, independent and keep in touch with their community.  Our aim is to help people overcome obstacles related to age, mobility and circumstance, rather than to be limited by them.

Initially set up 30 years ago in response to the lack of support for people returning from hospital, Care Network now has over 200 local volunteers (and 500+ community group members) throughout Cambridgeshire. There are three interwoven strands to our work:

  1. Help at Home links volunteers with patients returning from hospital who have little or no support for their recovery, or are going through a time of crisis or illness.  It both reduces admissions to hospital and helps people to return home from hospital faster.  Volunteers do every-day practical tasks such as collecting prescriptions, going out for some shopping, even just changing a light bulb.  They also provide reassurance and encouragement to help individuals get 'back on their feet’.
  2. Community Navigators is a network of local volunteers helping people choose how to maintain their independence through information and signposting. The aim is to move people from short term solutions to long term connections within their community.  Increasingly referred to from health and social services, Community Navigators add the value of the social perspective – tackling isolation and helping people to sustain friendships.
  3. Where we find gaps in provision and where there is a real need, the Community Development team work alongside local people to start, support and sustain local groups.  These services, embedded in their communities, range from car schemes, to lunch clubs, tea dances and much more.

Throughout these complimentary strands, Care Network Cambridgeshire aims to be inclusive, responsive, caring and professional, and to become a leading provider of services for older and vulnerable people in Cambridgeshire.


Help at Home volunteers provided (at minimum) 5,532 hours of practical and emotional support last year, and helped 1465 people at risk of a hospital admission to remain at home.

Community Navigators gave out 6,486 pieces of tailored information to individuals, of which 65% were to local or small organisations.The service averaged a 97% satisfaction rate.

The Community Development team further supports over 125 volunteer-run good neighbour schemes throughout Cambridgeshire.  Of these, 54 are community car schemes that drove in excess of 650,000 miles to help people stay connected with their communities during the year 2014/2015.

The work is is helping a generation of people in Cambridgeshire to stay happy, healthy and independent. 

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