Campaign to Protect Rural England - Herefordshire

Campaign to Protect Rural England - Herefordshire

At a glance


  • Animals / wildlife
  • Campaigning
  • Environment
  • Gardens and parks
  • Housing and homelessness
  • Local / community
  • Museums / heritage

Other details

Geographical remit: 


The Herefordshire branch of the national charity CPRE (Campaign to Protect Rural England) -  exists to promote the beauty, tranquillity and diversity of Herefordshire's countryside - one of England's most rural and sparsely populated counties. It does this by promoting the sustainable use of land and other natural resources in town and countryside so that the environment is protected and our cherished landscape retained

Our beneficiaries are local residents and our many visitors who live, work and relax in the County,

Our services include

  • A PLAN team to provide expert advice and support on local planning applications
  • Monthly member meetings and special events - conferences etc
  • Campaigning on rural issues including wind farms, solar arrays, water pollution, un-necessary road building and intensive livestock units
  • Lobbying and opinion forming with other like minded organisations
  • Attending planning committees and public Inquiries
  • Research - e.g. the case for a new Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) in the Welsh Marches

Herefordshire's countryside is a national asset containing a significant proportion of England's Grade 1 and 2 agricultural lands as well as the nation’s most loved river, the Wye. It is facing an unprecedented threat from inappropriate over-development. We provide a strong and effective voice, safeguarding the future of the unspoilt countryside, its unique environments and particularly its landscape.  


  • Respond to planning applications
  • Provide expert support and advice to local people and communities
  • Run a regular programme of meetings and conferences on topics of local and national interest
  • Produce newsletters and research papers to raise awareness
  • Campaign and lobby locally and regionally on behalf of Herefordshire's countryside
  • Joint projects in partnership with other like minded organisations such as the Herefordshire Wildlife Trust and CPR Wales
  • Fundraise
  • Provide small grants for community projects

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