Blackpool CAB has been serving the community since 1939. Developed out of need during the Second World War, the CAB has been supporting people with advice for over 77 years. We have developed a strong volunteer base and deliver advice across a range of specialisms. During our development, we have seen shifts in the economic and political agendas, changes in policies that affect people in their everyday lives and as such have become a strong voice for the vulnerable and often most marginalized in society.
Blackpool CAB provides advice on a wide range of legal issues to help people solve the problems they face. This includes Debt, benefits, housing, relationships and employment issues. The bureau on Whitegate Drive is open 10am -- 2pm Monday to Friday and advisers are based across most of the GPs surgeries in Blackpool.
At Blackpool CAB we are keen to meet the needs of the community around us and have set strategic priorities for the next 3 years to reflect this. One of our key priorities is to make advice more accessible and take it to the people who really need it. We are achieving this through our work in primary care settings and through developing new outreach locations. We are also extending our telephone advice service to make it easier for people who are unable to get to outreach locations to get the advice they need. Another key objective for us is to develop services aimed at improving people's mental health. We know from research conducted nationally that there is a link between mental health and debt and we want to provide timely services to help people with their debt problems in order to improve their mental health.
To find out more about us please click here