Access Sport's new volunteering project - Team100 is designed to redefine what it means to be a volunteer. Teams of 100 local people will be created diverse in personnel and in skill sets. It is this matrix of new, skilled volunteers, connected through a strong brand and local/online network that will empower communities to get active.
The beneficiaries of the project are the volunteers themselves, giving something back to the community and combating exclusion through a strong team feel and communication based delivery. Partnered with this, it is the community sports clubs these volunteers assist that will benefit, with larger capacity to develop and grow.
In this current moment volunteering is not representative of wider society. It is dominated by majority groups in affluent areas as this is the demographic that likely has the most spare-time. This project is not to say these people are expendable in the development of community sport, although this project will take a cross-ability, cross-generational approach to include the whole community.
The brand, campaign and localised digital and physical networks are unique tools being used to hyper-localise- volunteering opportunity in community sport. This will mean you know the clubs you are supporting, the participants you are empowering and the change you are creating.
Team100 is the brand, the over-arching image of essential community sport clubs and the glue that ties the clubs, volunteers and local stakeholders together. The activities available are based around the skills of the volunteer, all looking to empower local sports clubs, whether that be through income generation of governance advice, empower local clubs and their participants to get active.