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  • Arts
  • Education
  • Museums / heritage

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Geographical remit: 


The British School at Athens is the United Kingdom’s hub for advanced research in the humanities and social sciences in Greece and its wider Balkan, Levantine, Mediterranean, and European contexts. The School conducts, enables and promotes research of international excellence, exploring the impact of Hellenism worldwide. Its projects make significant original contributions to knowledge and offer long-term perspectives on contemporary questions. 


The British School at Athens delivers its mission through:

  • a programme of research undertaken both alone and in collaboration with UK-based, EU and other institutions worldwide.  Objectives are defined in a Strategic Plan for Research, with  guidance from the School’s senior academic advisory bodies, the Committee for Archaeology (CfA), and the Committee for Society, Arts and Letters (CSAL);
  • an academic programme of seminars, lectures, and conferences;
  • its internationally renowned library in Athens (with a branch at Knossos);
  • the Fitch Laboratory, its subject-leading centre for science-based archaeology;
  • building capacity for research via: the provision of member services including applications for study and fieldwork permits as required under Greek law; advice on the development of research programmes and the availability of resources; access to accommodation, facilities and equipment in Athens and Knossos; provision of online services; partnerships with peer institutions in Greece and worldwide;
  • promoting the use of its laboratory, archival, and museum collections by the academic community worldwide, including the provision of free-access online catalogues and research materials;
  • the provision of funding (including studentships and fellowships) for research in Greece, and to enable Greek researchers to visit the UK;
  • the provision of internships and training courses for undergraduates, postgraduates and schoolteachers.

    The School delivers its mission through:

  • a programme of research undertaken both alone and in collaboration with UK-based, EU and other institutions worldwide.  Objectives are defined in a Strategic Plan for Research, with  guidance from the School’s senior academic advisory bodies, the Committee for Archaeology (CfA), and the Committee for Society, Arts and Letters (CSAL);
  • an academic programme of seminars, lectures, and conferences;
  • its internationally renowned library in Athens (with a branch at Knossos);
  • the Fitch Laboratory, its subject-leading centre for science-based archaeology;
  • building capacity for research via: the provision of member services including applications for study and fieldwork permits as required under Greek law; advice on the development of research programmes and the availability of resources; access to accommodation, facilities and equipment in Athens and Knossos; provision of online services; partnerships with peer institutions in Greece and worldwide;
  • promoting the use of its laboratory, archival, and museum collections by the academic community worldwide, including the provision of free-access online catalogues and research materials;
  • the provision of funding (including studentships and fellowships) for research in Greece, and to enable Greek researchers to visit the UK;
  • the provision of internships and training courses for undergraduates, postgraduates and schoolteachers.

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