Members of the public and Professionals access information and learn coping skills.
Suitably qualified persons can gain a Postgraduate Certificate in Autogenic Training allowing them to become a full member of the British Autogenic Society (BAS) and practice as an accredited (BPS- the British Psychological Society) Autogenic Therapist.
In all this there is a profound focus on individual well being and personal development.
Members are supported in their work and encouraged to engage with BAS to continue professional development and seek supervision on a regular basis.
Contacts are maintained outside the UK to keep up with good practice. So that work is evidence based, linked to research based on scientific methods.
The meditative practice assists practitioner and patients to maintain wellbeing, reducing stress without medication. Once the patterns are learned individuals have a tool to use in daily life. This fits well with current thinking on the importance of 'Self Care' in Health.