The Bridge Community Centre is an environmentally sound purpose built centre which is based in the heart of a high density social housing area of Hastings. The building is totally accessible with a lift to all floors, with a fully equipped children's area, a community cafe, meeting rooms and an adjacent open space with a vegetable garden and poly tunnel. The Bridge is "A Place for Everyone" which is non-judgemental with an open door policy which aspires to enable the local community to reach their goals in life through activities, learning, socialising and gaining new skills and confidence. The Bridge opened in May, 2006 so will be ten years old next year. We are looking to have a relaunch by going back out to the community to get their ideas for the future and to have celebratory events to showcase all the valuable activities which go on at the Bridge.
There are a whole range of activities which go on at the Bridge including the following:
Grow, Cook and Eat: growing food in the garden, cooking it and eating it together. A family activity using our training kitchen and community cafe.
Art group: weekly group for local residents with a tutor with the paintings displayed at the Centre
Singing groups: one for everyone with a tutor and one for people living with dementia called 'Silver Linings.' Both oversubscribed.
History Group: looking at the history of the local area of Hastings, taking out displays and having speakers.
Little Starlings: a singing group for pre-school children and their parents/carers. Baby massage. Family contacts. Pre-school nursery provision.
A variety of garden groups, some for people living with mental health
We hire out the centre for children's birthday parties and other events
Dementia support, smoking cessation
Reach Project: helping people to access benefits and work on-line where they don't have access to computers