Brent Foodbank
The Trussell Trust foodbank network works in partnership with organisations to bring foodbanks to communities across the UK. There are now over 400 foodbanks in the network.
Brent Foodbank provides emergency food for local people in crisis. Doctors, health visitors, social workers, Citizens' Advice Bureaux, and police identify people in crisis and issue them with a foodbank voucher. It's open just two afternoons per week and last year fed 1,391 people in and around the borough. The Foodbank has plans to expand its operation into what is currently an unrenovated building, and it will then open every day, and make drop-in sessions available with agencies which can help solve the longer-term problem.
Neighbourhood Food Collections are one of the main ways that food is donated: these are food drives hosted by Tesco food stores where volunteers give shoppers a ‘foodbank shopping list’ and ask them to buy an extra item or two for local people in crisis.