Bradford Diocesan Academies Trust

Bradford Diocesan Academies Trust

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  • Education

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Geographical remit: 


Bradford Diocesan Academies Trust was set up in 2012 to support and sponsor Church of England Academies and other schools in Bradford on behalf of the Diocese of Leeds. We work with our schools to provide a network of support and challenge, so working together we can achieve our vision of improved outcomes and results for our children and young people. BDAT is a charity and company limited by guarantee, governed by a Board of Trustees who are responsible for, and oversee the management of the company.

Our mission is “to provide education of the highest quality within the context of Christian belief and practice”. We encourage an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith, the added experience and learnings of Christian values can offer to the development of all our pupils’ education and personal lives.

As of November 2018, the BDAT family of schools consists of 17 schools: thirteen primaries and four secondaries. 


In practice as a Trust we seek to work with and alongside the schools in our Trust to provide a good quality of education to all children in our schools. We believe every child only gets one chance at education and they have a right to a good education.

The Trust does this through operating a light touch support role for schools at times of challenge and by establishing collaborative structures and processes to enable our schools to work together and share good practice.  As our family of schools continues to grow, we are looking to develop our structures and processes to enable this to continue to happen. We are constantly looking at how we can continue to improve to establish effective and efficient ways of partnership working.

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