To support children, teenagers and their families who are living with and closely affected by HIV through peer and professional support, information, advice and advocacy and complementary therapies and strategies for improving and maintaining physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing.
oStructured regular peer support sessions, including time for social interaction, eating together and an opportunity for members to meet others affected by HIV and build up vital support networks.
oVolunteering opportunities available for members, to build and develop skills, through training courses e.g. group work facilitation; peer mentoring;, press and outreach; and administration.
oWorkshops for adults and teenagers - topics include: HIV treatment, sexual health, nutrition, stigma and prejudice, life skills, assertiveness, raising awareness.
oWorkshop for 10-12 year olds - topics include: friendship, coping with stress, body image, physical health.
oWorkshops for children - topics include: friendship, silly science, drama/dance, space, autumn.
oComplementary therapies
oCounselling sessions for adults and teenagers delivered in partnership with the Terrence Higgins Trust.
oSupport for parents/carers in the process of disclosing HIV within the family.
oAdvice sessions on housing, immigration, welfare provided by the Citizen's Advice Bureau.
oPhone support for adults and teenagers who are not regularly attending sessions.
oOngoing advocacy with adults, teenagers and families: for immigration cases, housing, and financial hardship.
oPartnership work with organisations such as HIV ibase, to deliver specialised support.
oProvision of hot nutritious meals to all members on service evenings
o Educational support - use of tutors and specialist one to one educational mentors.