Board Racial Diversity

Board Racial Diversity

At a glance


  • Black, asian and minority ethnic groups
  • Campaigning
  • Education
  • Health and well being / research and care
  • Voluntary sector support

Other details

Organisation type: 
Small or unincorporated organisation
Geographical remit: 
National - Britain


Board Racial Diversity, currently known as "Action For Trustee Racial Diversity UK" supports current and aspiring charity trustees of Black and Asian heritage to learn about and navigate trusteeship, find trustee vacancies, and network with other current and aspiring trustees of Black and Asian heritage, through information events, social events, mentoring programmes, member comms, Advisory Group meetings, and our virtual networking platform, ATRD Connects.

Board Racial Diversity also supports existing charities to increase racial diversity on their trustee boards, through consulting, our Black and Asian Network Organisations (BANOs) database, how-to guides, and hosting events and webinars. 

In England and Wales, only 8% of charity trustees are from Black and Asian backgrounds. Additionally, only 2.9% of trustees are women of colour (fewer than 5000 out of 168,000 trustees!). This is in the context of 14% of the England and Wales population being from a non-white background and highlights a picture of over 40% under-representation! 

ATRD is made up of a group of people who really care about inclusivity and strongly believe in the value of this work. We are supportive, understanding and work closely together as a team even though we are spread out across the country!


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