BME Concern delivers its projects in Africa through its sister organisation - Ripples in Africa, currently operating in Ghana, Cameroon and Nigeria, thereby encouraging African village women to work their way out of poverty.
BME Concern is committed to helping to develop the capacity of women from minority communities and to help to prepare the women to get into employment and be able to support their children. Our projects for the youth and young adults are aimed at encouraging community cohesion
For those new to the UK, our office provides information packages. The packages contain information about local facilities, meeting points, local council locations and police and social services.
Through our Women's Group, we offer surgeries that provide opportunities for new and old members to interact, communicate and offer support. During these surgeries, we identify areas of need and address possible solutions. The surgeries also offer parents an avenue to influence Youth Projects.
BME Concern works with the youth in the UK who are interested in knowing more about their own and other cultures, helping to foster a better understanding between different cultures. BME Concern works in partnership with local schools to ensure that the students who take part in BME Youth Projects are recognised and that such participation is recorded as part of their school achievements.