The Block WorkOut Foundation

The Block WorkOut Foundation

At a glance


  • Black, asian and minority ethnic groups
  • Criminal justice
  • Local / community
  • Training / employment support
  • Young people

Other details

Geographical remit: 


The Block WorkOut Foundation is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation which has been set up to work in the most deprived and disaffected communities, giving young people aged 13-25 the opportunity to engage in our innovative Block Workout Fitness sessions and build their confidence and positive networks, and to ultimately lead a more positive life.

Our Mission is to support and enable young people to lead healthy happy lives and reach their full potential through our Block Workout sessions and mentoring services.

Our Vision is that every young person, no matter where they live or what their personal situation, has the opportunity to take part in Block Work Out sessions, enabling them to live a healthier life, physically and mentally with the support to reach their personal goals, the belief that they can achieve and unity in the local community.


We deliver our charitable objectives in the following ways:
-Through our qualified leaders we will provide the young people with positive role models, who they are able to relate to.
-We will provide group and individual mentoring to every participant, including promoting education, healthy living, conflict resolution and everyday issues that might arise.
-We will work in partnership with community organisations in order to promote training and education opportunities.
-We will provide volunteer opportunities for the young people and wider community through our mentoring and community Block Workout sessions.
-We will initially focus our work in Brixton and Lambeth but will then extend our services to other London boroughs and our long term aim is for Block Workout sessions, support and mentoring to be available across the country.

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