At a glance


  • Refugees / migrants

Other details

Geographical remit: 
National - Britain


BLEND is a new breed of charity with the single mission to integrate people from other countries and cultures into British society and enable them to be part of and embrace British values through applying the tenets of emotional intelligence and wellbeing.


Learn to BLEND:

We will focus on helping our target group grow from the inside rather than transferring the capabilities and values from the outside. These interventions will help our beneficiaries to settle, get to know their communities, the social, political and economic dimensions in British society and ultimately learn how to integrate. These will range from experiential learning, group activities, role play and games.


The four Bs:

We will focus on projects that drive social innovation and impact. Crafting these projects will be lead by:

  • Break the habit
  • Bridge the gap
  • Bond with others
  • Build communities


Restore the Balance:

This includes Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), counselling for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and one-to-one mentoring sessions. We will always consider the difference between counselling psychology and clinical psychology. In the latter case, they will be referred to the NHS.

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