Birmingham LGBT is the city’s leading charity advocating for and supporting lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans communities in Birmingham and beyond. We offer a range of services focused on improving the health & wellbeing of individuals.
Our vision is to create a vibrant, diverse lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans community in Birmingham, UK, in which individuals can realise their full potential and have equal access to what the city has to offer.
Our objectives are to:
- raise awareness of the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) people in Birmingham and beyond
- advocate for their needs to the wider community
- promote opportunities to LGBT people in Birmingham and beyond
- enable them to fully participate in the lives of their community
- act as the voice of the LGBT third sector in Birmingham, based on a knowledge and evidence of real need
- create a positive and visible LGBT community
- create a highly skilled LGBT voluntary sector that has opportunities for volunteering and service development
- raise awareness of the needs of the LGBT community in the city and develop appropriate services where needs exist
- challenge negative stereotypes about LGBT people and combat homophobia.