Better Leeds Communities aims to make Leeds a better place to live for everyone in the city's communities.
The charity creates opportunities that enable people in Leeds to achieve their potential by raising aspirations, removing barriers and developing abilities that lead to a better life.
To achieve this we:
• Create fun activities and new experiences that enable children and young people to enjoy being young and to deal positively with the challenges of growing up.
• Support families to be healthy, active, engaged and able to build positive relationships with their neighbours and communities.
• Provide inspiring volunteering opportunities for people to meet others, develop new skills and get involved in community life.
• Provide a debt and welfare advice service that assists people out of poverty and enables them to become more self-reliant.
Activities for children aged 5-11, young people aged 11-17 and families from the local area and a wide variety of holiday activities and trips.
A confidential, impartial advice service which operates through face-to-face appointments and over the phone.
Volunteering opportunities which support all activities across the organisation.
Leadership Skills course for aspiring community leaders to develop the skills, networks and understanding to effect change in their community.
A Social Prescribing service aimed at patients from local GP surgeries.