(i) Providing a dynamic museum which makes real the life and times of Benjamin Franklin at 36 Craven Street; and for that purpose to own, improve, preserve and maintain Benjamin Franklin House, the sole remaining residence of Benjamin Franklin anywhere in the world;
(ii) Establishing a Student Science Centre for young people that emphasises the scientific method and encourages Benjamin Franklin's spirit of enquiry using experiments and other means to spur interest in science and Franklin-related subjects, bringing children together to foster cross-cultural understanding and dialogue and British-American relations; and
(iii) Instituting a Scholarship Centre for scholars, adult learners, and others, as a focal point in Europe for Benjamin Franklin and Franklin-related research, offering scholarships solely, or in conjunction with other individuals and institutions, at the discretion of the Board of Governors.
A Historical Experience that presents the excitement and uncertainty of Franklin's London years using the rooms where so much took place as staging for a drama which seamlessly integrates live performance, cutting edge lighting, sound and projection technology. It stands alone among London attractions in its 'museum as theatre' approach and has created a new standard for historical interpretation.
The Student Science Centre focuses on Franklin's London science —from lightning rods to hydrodynamics, allowing school children to satisfy their historical and scientific curiosity, free of charge. Outreach, including Ben's Travelling Suitcase, brings our educational activities into schools and the community.