Barnet Lone Parent Centre

Barnet Lone Parent Centre

At a glance


  • Children / families
  • Counselling / advice
  • Financial inclusion
  • Local / community
  • Mental health
  • Poverty relief
  • Social care
  • Training / employment support
  • Women

Other details

Geographical remit: 


We support vulnerable lone parent families in the London Borough of Barnet. A lone parent is any parent, carer or relative bringing up children on their own. They may be divorced, separated, bereaved, and fleeing violence or a partner with substance misuse issues. We also support two parent families where one parent has physical or mental disability or is in prison or hospital long term.

In consultation with parents we have three main aims:

  • to reduce lone parent poverty
  • to reduce lone parent family isolation
  • to improve lone parent employability


We provide a free Help with Money service in a number of locations in the borough. Our trained money adviser can help with reducing and stabilising debt, applying for benefits, challenging benefit overpayments and refused claims. We can also refer to other charities for help with second hand furniture, free respite breaks and grants for household items.

Once a week we have a toy library so that parents and children can meet and socialise. Parents can hire high quality, educational toys and puzzles for two weeks to encourage their children's development and play. This project is delivered in association with national Gingerbread.

Volunteers play an important and valued part of our work. We encourage lone parents to volunteer with us to learn new work based skills to improve their employment prospects. Volunteering also provides an opportunity to meet other parents and not feel so isolated.

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