Ballet Cymru

Ballet Cymru

At a glance


  • Arts
  • Education
  • Health and well being / research and care
  • Local / community
  • Sports

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A national ballet company for Wales that breaks down traditional boundaries and expectations and helps redefine ballet as a relevant, inclusive and accessible art form.


We will work collaboratively to create work that is innovative and inspiring, and will seek out original and imaginative ways and places to engage with new and diverse audiences.


Core Values

  • Ballet Cymru’s responsibility to ourselves, our partners, participants and our audiences to be original, innovative and never settle for second best.
  • Commitment to everything we do being guided by the highest principals of collaboration, equality of access and quality
  • Enthusiasm in being a small, flexible company, in particular being friendly, approachable and able to respond quickly to changing needs and circumstances
  • Belief in the power of ballet, theatre and dance to communicate directly between performer and audience, and that everyone deserves access to high quality dance experiences
  • Confidence in the potential to create a new and distinctively Welsh identity and meaning for ballet.


BALLET CYMRU is an award-winning professional ballet company, producing original professional dance performances which tour nationally throughout Wales and the UK.

The Company is committed to inclusion and innovation in dance and classical ballet, seeking original and imaginative ways to engage with all ages and abilities both locally in its home town of Newport and nationwide.

Alongside its touring activity, Ballet Cymru offers a range of accessible outreach programmes for young people and diverse communities to engage in dance up to professional level. The organisation is also involved in ground-breaking work in inclusive practice.

Ballet Cymru is a registered charity under the name Gwent Ballet Theatre Limited, and is revenue funded by the Arts Council of Wales.

Ballet Cymru's premises in Rogerstone, Newport offers excellent dance spaces for hire and other facilities for business and training events.

Achievements include:

  • Employing the world’s first Disabled Professional Ballet Dancer, Joe Powell-Main in 2019
  • Lead Welsh arts organisation for 'Duets', delivering a flagship dance programme for young people in areas of need across Wales
  • Successful collaborations with artists including Cerys Matthews MBE to create award-winning productions
  • Developing international activity with tours in China and US


  • Winners of Best Dance Production at The Wales Theatre Awards 2018, 2017 & 2014.
  • UK Critics’ Circle National Dance Award, Audience Award 2006.


  • UK Critics’ Circle National Dance Award for Best Independent Company 2017, 2016, 2015, 2013.
  • Best Dance Production at The Wales Theatre Awards 2015, 2013.

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