The Backcare Charity

The Backcare Charity

At a glance


  • Counselling / advice
  • Health and well being / research and care
  • Physical disabilities

Other details

Geographical remit: 
National - Britain


BackCares aims to significantly reduce the burden of back pain by providing information and advice to all people and organisations affected by back pain.  We fund scientific research into the causes, prevention and management of back pain.

Back pain is a major health issue costing the country and the health service billions of pounds every year.  Sickness absence currently costs the UK economy £15bn, musculoskeletal disorders are one of the leading causes of sickness absence.

We believe that by working together with other organisations, we can help prevent back and neck pain, which has a significant impact on more than 80% of the UK population.


The Charity finds funding through a variety of methods such as private, corporate and professional memberships, funding for publications and research, funding through activities such as the London Marathon, Backpain Awareness Week and other events.

The Charity both funds and conducts research into backpain, publishes a wealth of information to support sufferers and sells a number of specially developed products to both prevent and alleviate backpain.

Examples :

  • Information and support for backpain sufferers
  • Caring for carers leaflet
  • HOP6 - standard for manual handling training
  • Take Back Control - Back Pain Recovery Workbook
  • Back Pain Sex book for men
  • Back Pain Sex book for women
  • Equipment to prevent backpain
  • The Simply Health/Backcare app


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